• 602 Tolland St
    East Hartford, CT 06108
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Park Royal Apartments

Park Royal Apartments in Bridgeport, CT recently replaced a 25-year-old, Tecochill   150-Ton chiller with a water cooled, 150-Ton STx, Tecochill model to continue the energy cost savings that they have enjoyed for the past 25 years. They’re saving an approximate $130,000 in energy costs over an electric chiller. Commercial and industrial customers significantly reduce their […]

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The Tecochill Gas Engine Hybrid System

The Tecochill Gas Engine Hybrid System offers the best of both worlds when it comes to saving energy and cooling costs. The new Hybrid Drive technology introduced last Spring offers consumers a bridge from high carbon energy consumption to a low GWP energy world. It’s ideal for new applications and the retrofit customer wanting to […]

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The Market in Marijuana

The business of Marijuana or Cannabis is growing exponentially. A recent survey by the CT Department of Consumer Protection shows that in Jan-June of 2023 there was an increase of $24 million in sales of both medical and recreational use. As more states are legalizing and improving its sale, it’s time to think about the […]

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Julian Curtiss Magnate School

Julian Curtiss Magnate School in Greenwich, CT recently added a 200-ton, water cooled, Tecochill gas engine driven chiller that will provide air conditioning for the school. Future planning to add cooling at the school was originally designed when a 2-pipe heating system was installed.A 4-pipe system, that provides simultaneous heating and cooling, was not needed […]

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Why Choose, When You Can Have Both?

Have you heard about the all new Tecochill Hybrid-Drive Air-Cooled Chiller? The latest in Tecogen technology is ideal for retrofit or new applications as the footprint is comparable to an electric chiller. Seamlessly combine two power sources! Run on natural gas, or electricity, or BOTH! Intelligent Hybrid-Drive provides the ability to blend natural gas and […]

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UCONN Goes Hybrid!

UCONN is a prime example of how Tecochill proves its reliability and dependability time and time again! Over 20 years ago, the University of Connecticut (UCONN) dealt with rising costs of energy. Due to the utilization of electricity in peak demand times, the cost became prohibitive. Electric demand charges assessed by utility companies had escalated […]

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Tecochill Gas Engine Chillers

Tecochill is the only natural gas engine-driven chiller system, available for cooling large facilities, that is known for its cost efficient, environmentally friendly, reliability. Through its patented technology, this natural gas engine-driven chiller nearly eliminates criteria pollutants and significantly reduces a customer’s carbon footprint. With electric chillers, customers can incur high peak demand costs. The […]

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Greenwich High Chooses Tecochill Once Again

Over 20 years ago, Greenwich High School dealt with rising costs of energy and issues with electric supply due to an overloaded grid. An assessment was done to determine the most cost effective, energy efficient options available and Tecochill gas engine cooling was proposed. The use of natural gas became more effective than alternative options […]

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Kongsberg Automotive Saves with Gas Cooling

Kongsberg Automotive provides cutting-edge technology to the global vehicle industry. For over 65 years they have been the leaders in automotive technology. Their Suffield facility in CT has been supplying PTFE / Nylon media transfer solutions since 1979. Recently, the 91,000 square foot facility upgraded it’s HVAC system. The Kongsberg Automotive story has been built […]

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We do good things for Kids

The River Street School in Windsor, CT provides comprehensive academic and life skills curricula for students aged 3 to 21 with behavioral, communicative and neurological disorders.The school became a Capitol Region Education Council member in 1972 and is celebrating more than 50 years as a CREC program serving the needs of students on the autism […]

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