• 602 Tolland St
    East Hartford, CT 06108
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Park Royal Apartments

Park Royal Apartments in Bridgeport, CT recently replaced a 25-year-old, Tecochill   150-Ton chiller with a water cooled, 150-Ton STx, Tecochill model to continue the energy cost savings that they have enjoyed for the past 25 years. They’re saving an approximate $130,000 in energy costs over an electric chiller.

Commercial and industrial customers significantly reduce their energy costs using clean, plentiful natural gas. Tecogen is the industry leader in engine-driven chillers with over 40 years of experience.


  • Cuts costs by as much as 30 to 60% when compared to electric chillers.
  • FREE waste heat for domestic hot water, space or process heat.
  • Cuts your carbon by 50% – ultra low NOx and CO emissions.
  • Internet-based Remote Monitoring Control system is CHP Insight compatible.
  • Avoids on-peak electric demand charges.
  • OSHPD and IBC seismic certification.
  • ETL listed.
  • Nationwide factory service and support.  

Call us for more information and a quote on savings available for your project.